
A French dish, eaten and created in the Alps… the best cold winter night’s comfort food ever!! This recipe doesn’t require any cooking until it all goes in the oven, so your children can do it all by themselves! If you’re making for the family, times the recipe by the amount of people you’re cooking for as this makes an individual portion.


  • 300g New Potatoes
  • ½ Small Onion
  • 50g Bacon, sliced/lardons*
  • 30ml Double Cream
  • 1 Small Garlic Clove, crushed
  • 75g Reblochon/ Camembert Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ᵒC and have ready an individual oven proof dish (about 12x14cm).
  2. Thinly slice the potatoes, onion and cheese. Measure the cream, stir in the garlic and season with salt and pepper (add little salt as the cheese will be salty).
  3. Layer the potatoes, onion, bacon and cheese in your oven proof dish – making sure you have a thin layer of cheese on the top.
  4. Pour the seasoned cream over and lightly wiggle the dish to allow the cream to fall through all the gaps.
  5. Bake your tartiflette on the middle shelf of the oven for 25-30 minutes until the potatoes have softened and the cheese has browned on top.


*For a vegetarian tartiflette replace the bacon with mushrooms or omit entirely.

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