
These recipes are great for kids who want to do some cooking with a watchful eye over them or anyone who wants to prepare a quick and easy meal. Most recipes can be ready within just an hour (with the exception of breads and some pastries) and contain an element to them where you can be creative, which is what we’re all about!

Iced Gems

A childhood favourite and really fun recipe to make! We loving making colourful foods and you can’t get much more colourful than these!! P.S. the black specs you can see on the biscuits are from vanilla bean paste, which we use as vanilla extract – it has so much more […]


Mexican food is one of my all time favourites and it can be very healthy too! These fajitas are so tasty – you’d never know they were packed full of fresh vegetables!

Poached Pears and Vanilla Cream

Poached pears are a classic that you don’t see too often now but I wanted to bring them back and make them fun! Obviously we wouldn’t use wine in a children’s cookery class so we trialled using blackberries to add colour to our pears… and it worked!! The blackberries turn […]

Rice Crispy Cakes

Rice Crispy Cakes are NOT as easy as you think but they are fun! And according to some children they are therapeutic and rewarding! If you fancy a challenge you can make multiple colours to layer them like a rainbow (not necessarily in the right order!). Enjoy!

Vegetable Stir Fry

Fancy something fresh, colourful and super healthy? OR fancy using up the vegetables in your fridge? OR perhaps yourself or your kids want to practice lots of different cutting techniques and gain some excellent knife skills? Well, here’s the perfect recipe… And it’s tasty too!!

Three Bean Chilli

This three bean chilli is an amazing alternative to the usually beef chilli. Not just enjoyed by vegetarians! Enjoy it with cheesy Nachos, a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of coriander or spring onions.

Pasta Bake

I LOVE pasta bake, but it is also the perfect way to turn any leftovers in your fridge into something really tasty! Pack it full of vegetables and top it with cheese for that golden crispy topping… Yum!!

Individual Apple Pies

These apple pies are perfect with custard for a dinner party. These might require some adult assistance but they’re super fun to make for you and the kids! At school we use fluted loose bottom tart tins for this recipe, bit if you don’t have those you can use small […]

Beef Burgers

Homemade burgers are very popular with children, they’re easy to make, a little bit messy and extremely tasty. This recipe will only take half an hour and makes super tasty beef burgers!