
These recipes are great for kids who want to do some cooking with a watchful eye over them or anyone who wants to prepare a quick and easy meal. Most recipes can be ready within just an hour (with the exception of breads and some pastries) and contain an element to them where you can be creative, which is what we’re all about!

Chicken and Chorizo Skewers

Spice up your tapas by choosing a spicy chorizo and even add a little paprika to your chicken if you fancy! These are a great little finger food that can be easily made by the kids and enjoyed by the whole family.

Coconut Baklava

Baklava is traditionally full of a range of different nuts. However, not being much of a nut fan and working in schools which are majority nut free, I’ve traded the nuts in for coconut. Feel free to switch it up.. just make sure the weight remains the same and the […]

Grilled Squid

Not everyone’s favourite… but something to try. If you’re feeling brave and ambitious you can buy whole squid from a fish monger and prepare it by yourself (ask your fish monger for advice or look up an easy Youtube tutorial).


The perfect accompaniment to lamb, but also great to scoop up with a warm flatbread and enjoy as a snack! Play around with the favours until it tastes just right for you.

Lamb Kebabs

Making kebabs is always really fun for children. The dicing of the lamb will need to be done by an adult, or overseen, but the rest can be left for the kids to enjoy. You can try adding different vegetables to these too – add the same amount of vegetables […]


This flatbread recipe is super easy and a great accompaniment to houmous or wrapped around grilled lamb and tzatziki. To keep the flatbread soft, cover it with a tea towel after cooking to steam it for up to 5 minutes and then enjoy!


Super tasty, super healthy and super easy! Houmous is perfect to have as a snack with vegetable sticks (carrots, celery, peppers, radishes or anything else you fancy!) or flat bread/pitta bread.

Egg Fried Rice

It really is as easy as you think! Just make sure you thoroughly rinse your rice before cooking it and you can’t really go wrong! Serve as an accompaniment with any Chinese dish.

Chinese Crispy Pork

I have to say, this recipe is just the best! I had been craving crispy pork for a while so did a lot of research and I think the combination of these favours with the charred crispy pork taste just great!