
These recipes are great for kids who want to do some cooking with a watchful eye over them or anyone who wants to prepare a quick and easy meal. Most recipes can be ready within just an hour (with the exception of breads and some pastries) and contain an element to them where you can be creative, which is what we’re all about!

Chocolate Fudge Muffins

These Muffins always look amazing when they come out of the oven at school and I often end up coming home and making some for myself! Plus the recipe is super easy for children of any age! For an alternative, omit the chocolate chips and top the muffins with melted […]


Who doesn’t love a cheesy baked tortilla that you can add whatever you like to?? Here’s a basic recipe for one person, which you can easily double, triple or quadruple!! Feel free to change up the ingredients, add in extras or take out those that you don’t love! As long […]

Baked Fish and Chips

I love fish but I’ve never been able to go down to the fish and chip shop and grab a Friday night meal because, no matter where I go, the oil makes me feel horrible afterwards. This recipe uses only a tiny bit of oil, making it much healthier and […]

Cajun Chicken Samosas

On a recent trip to Africa, I was inspired by a close friend of mine to make these tasty samosas. Although, not like the traditional Indian samosa. These samosas seemed to be very popular in the area I stayed and I was lucky enough to be shown how to make […]


I’ve never really been a huge fan of churros because I find them too greasy. However, every time I’ve seen them being sold from a little food stand, anywhere in the world, I smell them and want them! So, I’ve done a bit of research and found that this recipe […]

Prawn Laksa

This is a Malaysian recipe of curried soup with noodles and prawns inspired by Norman Musa – it’s warming and healthy too! HINT: You can use bought tubes of puree for the wet ingredients to save time 🙂

Chicken Gyros

I love greek food for being healthy but this is just complete comfort food – not too unhealthy though! You can shorten this recipe by cooking the chicken without letting it marinate, but the longer you leave it, the more the flavours will develop. Find my recipe for tzatziki and make […]

Chinese Egg Custard Tarts

Custard is often quite hard to perfect, so when making this recipe, make sure you bring your sugar and water to a syrupy consistency and then allow it to cool slightly before adding the eggs. This is make the custard thick and prevent the egg from cooking in the sugar […]

Spanish Omelette

When I think of Spanish food I always think of Spanish Omelette. It’s not something I usually think about making at home but when I do, I love it. Cook the omelette until its crisp on the bottom but just set and soft in the centre.