
These recipes are great for kids who want to do some cooking with a watchful eye over them or anyone who wants to prepare a quick and easy meal. Most recipes can be ready within just an hour (with the exception of breads and some pastries) and contain an element to them where you can be creative, which is what we’re all about!

White Chocolate Snowballs

These are always a massive hit at school! They’re simple to make but they do get very sticky! If you’re not a fan of coconut, try swapping it for sprinkles or chocolate shavings.

Individual Apple Pies

Decorate your apple pies as you like or challenge yourself at decorating them in a lattice – this will keep the kids busy 🙂

Vegan & Gluten Free Millionaire Shortbread

Millionaire Shortbread is literally one of my favourite treats of all time and I cannot imagine life without them… so I’ve created a Vegan AND Gluten Free version, that in my opinion is just as good as the original! So if you’ve had one before but you can’t now… try […]

Mini Pavlovas

These mini Pavlovas are really easy to make but look very impressive. Children of all ages can give these a go and they can be ready in as little as 15 minutes.


I hadn’t eaten just a regular shortbread biscuit in such a long time… and now I’m seriously asking myself why not! Children don’t usually suggest making shortbread but I’m glad they did – you can’t go wrong with a good old shortbread biscuit… or two!  

Vegetable Lasagne

Every time I use this recipe at one of my cookery clubs I hear all of those little voices saying ‘Eww vegetable lasagne.. where’s the meat?’ and every time I tell them to trust me because when it comes out of the oven they won’t be saying ‘ew’. Who can […]

Pavlova Wreath

This is the perfect centre piece for a festive get together. It serves up to 10 people but if there are only 4 of you, I’m sure it won’t go to waste! Meringues are very hard to make and trust me, I’m not the best at making them! If you […]

Christmas Roast

Christmas Dinner can be a challenging thing… especially when your aunts argue every year on how the carrots should be cut (from personal experience). I have put together a full time plan to ease the pain on the day. My day starts 24 hours previous as I brine my turkey […]

Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins

I have a real sweet tooth and often I just crave a muffin! When I was studying I would occasionally treat myself to a raspberry and white chocolate muffin from Costa during my commute, but now I can just make a large batch and enjoy them all the time. I […]