
These recipes are great for kids who want to do some cooking with a watchful eye over them or anyone who wants to prepare a quick and easy meal. Most recipes can be ready within just an hour (with the exception of breads and some pastries) and contain an element to them where you can be creative, which is what we’re all about!

Gluten Free Flatbreads

Gluten Free bread is SO hard to perfect!! But, flatbreadĀ CAN be mastered! Try out this recipe and let me know what you think! I buy my glutinous rice flour from an Asian supermarket but please ask me if you’re struggling šŸ™‚

Mini Carrot Cake Loaves

Does carrot cake actually contain carrot? A question I’m always asked when we make it! Yes, it does, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less yummy then any other cake… in fact the carrots make it deliciously moist! I personally think the combination of a cinnamon spiced carrot cake and […]

Iced Buns

Iced buns are one of my childhood favourites but I always remember asking for the pink ones (which were rare!) rather than the ‘boring’ white ones! They taste amazing so why not make them look more appealing? Try a few different colours and top with sprinkles!


A little bit sweeter then a regularĀ bread roll with a hole in the middle… what’s not to like!? Use Poppy Seeds orĀ Sesame Seeds to decorate them!

French Fries

I searched and searched and searched for the best way to make thin chips rather than wedges (my usual favourite) in the safest way possible with lots of kids around other than putting them in the oven and finally I stumbled upon this method discovered by Smitten Kitten. It just […]

Fish Goujons

Something that’s SO easy to just get out of the freezer and put in the oven but also SO easy to prepare by yourself and help your children to understand what they’re eating! They’re always popular with the kids so definitely worth the while!

Galaxy Mirror Cake

This cake isĀ just the most fun thing to make EVER! You can make any colours you want and there will never be a cake that looks like yours! Make sure your buttercream is super smooth and chilled so that when you pour the glaze over it will sit nicely, not […]

Vegan Brownies

We’ve often had children AND parents say that these brownies taste nicer than regular brownies!! Plus, they’re so much quicker and easier to make! Admittedly, this recipe was originally from AllRecipes, but I’ve changed a few elements in it. Be creative and add extras to make your brownies extra special […]

Vegan Cupcakes

These cupcakes are light and fluffy and super yummy! Let your children be creative and colour the cupcakes however they like and decorate them with lots of sprinkles!