Creative Pies

These pies are really fun to prepare for children of all ages, giving them a chance to be creative with the pastry shapes on their pies and the ingredients going into them.


Makes one large pie or 6 individual pies

  • 250g Puff Pastry
  • Egg wash

Your choice of meat, vegetables and sauce e.g. white/ cheese/ gravy.


  1. Prepare your meat, vegetables and sauce; Cut your choice of meat into small chunks and pre cook it, chop up your veg and make your sauce. Put all ingredients together into your pie dish/dishes to fill them to the top.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200ᵒc.
  3. Flour your work surface and roll out your puff pastry to 5mm thick. Cut the pastry to the shape of your pie dish/ dishes and lay it over your fillings. Press firmly down on the edges of your pie dish to seal. Use the cut offs of your pastry to make shapes to decorate your pies with.
  4. Lightly brush egg wash over the pastry and then place your shapes on top. Brush the pastry with egg wash again to coat the shapes.
  5. Place the pies on a baking tray and into the oven for 20-25 minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden and the vegetables have softened.

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