Chocolate Tart

A must make! Perfect your pastry skills and fill with a super easy, yet super yummy filling! I use a 9inch tart tin with a removable bottom for this recipe – if you don’t have a tart tin, a round cake tin will work just as well, but be careful when removing.


Shortcrust Pastry

  • 250g Plain Flour
  • 1 Tbsp Caster Sugar
  • 140g Chilled Butter
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 3 Tbsp chilled water

Chocolate Ganache

  • 400g Milk Chocolate
  • 200ml Double Cream


  • Chocolate shavings, to decorate


  1. Start by making the pastry; sift the flour into a large bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the flour. Use your hands to rub the butter and flour together until you get a breadcrumb like texture. Stir in the sugar with a cutlery knife.
  2. Mix the egg yolk and water together in a small bowl. Add 2 Tbsp of the egg mix to the crumb. Use a cutlery knife to quickly and evenly distribute the liquid in the crumb. This will begin to create flakes of pastry – if the pastry seems dry or isn’t flaking, add another Tbsp of egg mix until flakes begin to form. Now use your hands to bring the pastry together. Knead the pastry a tiny bit to make sure the texture is even throughout. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to cool down for 10 minutes.
  3. Roll out the pastry to a circle with 2mm thickness. Line a 9inch tart tin (I roll the pastry up onto the rolling pin and then roll it back over the tart tin to avoid tearing it), making sure you press it firmly into the edges. Roll over the tart with your rolling pin to remove any edges. Place in the fridge and chill until firm. Preheat the oven to 200ᵒC.
  4. To blind bake the tart case: cut out a large circle of baking paper and press into the edges of the pastry. Fill the case generously with baking beans.
  5. Place the tart into the middle of the oven for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and take out the baking beans and paper.
  6. Make the chocolate ganache; heat the cream in a large saucepan over a medium-high heat. Once the cream comes to boiling point, add the chocolate and continuously stir until completely combined and smooth.
  7. Bake in the oven for 10 more minutes until the pastry is golden and sandy. Allow the tart case to cool slightly.
  8. Poor the chocolate ganache into the pastry case (still in the tart tin) to almost full.
  9. Use chocolate shavings to decorate and leave to set for at least 1 hour on a wire rack, somewhere cool.
  10. Remove from the tart tin, slice and serve with sweetened whipped cream. Yum!

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