Chocolate Éclairs

Now, who doesn’t love a chocolate éclair? This is a classic recipe (Leiths again!) but feel free to change it up by using a different topping – maybe white chocolate, coffee or caramel icing? Sprinkle over some delicious toppings as well, such as hundreds and thousands or freeze dried fruit. Be creative and enjoy!!


Choux Pastry

  • 220ml Water
  • 85g Butter
  • 105g Plain Flour
  • Pinch Salt
  • 3 Eggs


  1. Pour the water into a small saucepan. Cut the butter into small cubes and add to the water. Place over a low heat and allow the butter to melt, without allowing the water to simmer.
  2. Meanwhile, sift the flour onto a piece of baking paper. Fold the paper in half and fold one side up so that the flour will not fall out.
  3. Once the butter has melted, increase the heat to medium high. Keep the flour and a wooden spoon close by. Watch the water carefully and wait for it to boil and rise up the sides (Rolling Boil). Pour the flour quickly into the centre, remove the pan from the heat and beat the flour vigorously. Continue to beat the mixture until there are no lumps and the mixture is uniform in colour.
  4. Spread the mixture over a cool plate to allow the temperature to drop to blood temperature.
  5. Meanwhile, break the eggs into a bowl and whisk lightly with a fork.
  6. Return the mixture to the pan. Add 1tbsp of beaten egg, off the heat, and beat it in with a wooden spoon. Once the egg is fully incorporated, add a little more and beat again. Repeat until you have added about 3/4 of the beaten egg. Check the consistency of the pastry. It should be smooth and shiny with a reluctant dropping consistency (choux should slowly drop off of a spoon when held on its side).
  7. Continue adding egg until you have the correct consistency.
  8. Cover the pastry and store in the fridge until needed.


Chocolate Éclairs

  • 1 Quantity Choux Pastry
  • 250g Chocolate
  • 2 tbsp Water
  • 15g Butter
  • 600ml Double Cream
  • 2 tbsp Icing Sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ᵒC. Very lightly oil a baking sheet.
  2. Fill a piping bag, fitted with a 7-8mm nozzle, with choux pastry.
  3. Pipe the choux into flat ‘S’ shapes, 7-8cms long and 4-5cm apart. This should make 12 – 15 in total. Use a dampened finger to smooth out any spikes.
  4. Bake in the top third of the oven for 20-30 minutes, until well risen and golden. Be careful not to open the oven before 20 minutes as the pastry will sink.
  5. Remove from the oven. Lower the temperature to 170ᵒC. Turn each éclair over and make a hole at either end to allow the steam to escape. Return the éclairs to the oven for 5-6 minutes to dry them out. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack.
  6. Put the chocolate, butter and water into a heatproof bowl and place over a pan of simmering water to melt, stirring occasionally.
  7. Put the cream and icing sugar into a large bowl. Whisk to a pipeable consistency and place into a piping bag with a small nozzle.
  8. When the chocolate has melted, set aside to cool a little.
  9. When the éclairs are completely cool, use a skewer to hollow out the inside. Hold the éclair and pipe the cream into the hole in the side. The éclair will feel heavy when it is full.
  10. Check that the chocolate has thickened a little. Hold the filled éclairs upside down and dip into the chocolate. Slowly turn them over and put on a plate to allow the chocolate to set up. Repeat with remaining éclairs.

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