Chocolate Calzone

I’d never had a chocolate calzone before but I must have dreamt about one and I’m glad I did! I made my own chocolate spread to go in the centre of my calzones but you can use your favourite spreads if you’d prefer – however, this homemade one is VERY good! Decorate your calzones with icing sugar or more chocolate and serve as dessert, or eat as a not so healthy but very tasty breakfast!


  • 200g Strong Bread Flour
  • 7g Dried Yeast
  • 1Tbsp Caster Sugar
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 120ml Warm Water
  • 10g Butter, melted
  • 200g Chocolate Spread (see Below)
  • Icing Sugar, to dust

Chocolate Spread

  • 100g Dark Chocolate
  • 60g Caster Sugar
  • 60g Unsalted Butter
  • 60ml Milk
  • 1 Egg


If making your own chocolate spread (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED):

  1. Melt the chocolate, butter and caster sugar together in a heat proof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small pan, bring the milk to boil and then add to the melted chocolate mix. Remove from the heat and quickly whisk until smooth.
  3. Finally, add the eggs to the mixture and whisk quickly again until the mixture is completely smooth. Set aside to cool and thicken up.


For the calzone:

  1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
  2. Slowly add the water and use a cutlery knife to combine. Bring the dough together in your hands (it can be quite sticky so flour your hands first).
  3. Place the dough on a clean floured surface and knead it until it is soft with an even texture. When you press a finger into the dough to make a dent it should spring back and almost close up.
  4. Place the dough into a lightly buttered bowl and cover with buttered Clingfilm. Leave until doubled in size (about an hour).
  5. Knock back the dough by briefly kneading again, bringing back a smooth texture. Separate the dough into 6 pieces. Roll each piece out into a circle (or as close as you can get) with 5mm thickness. Put a generous dollop of chocolate spread into the centre of each circle. Fold the dough in half, dab the edges very lightly with water, fold the bottom edge inwards and press together to make sure no gaps remain and the dough is completely stuck together. Set aside on a buttered baking tray and allow to prove for 15 minutes, again covered with clingfilm. Preheat the oven to 200ᵒC.
  6. Bake the calzones in the centre of the oven for 12 minutes until lightly golden and light in weight.
  7. Allow the calzones to cool a little before dusting with icing sugar and enjoying!!

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