American Style Pancakes

Why not try something different for breakfast over the weekend? I made hundreds of these American styled pancakes whist travelling around the US a few summers ago and my family loved them! I’m sure yours will too…


  • 160g Self-Raising Flour
  • ½ Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 200ml Milk
  • 1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil


  • In a large mixing bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder and sugar.
  • Make a well in the centre and add the egg. Use a fork to whisk the egg, slowly incorporating the flour. When the batter becomes too thick, pour in a little milk and continue whisking in more flour. Don’t add too much milk at once as it will create lumps in the batter. Continue this until all of the milk has been added and you have a smooth mixture.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a small frying pan over a medium-low heat. Swirl the oil around the pan and pour it out into a mug (I do this so that I can reuse the oil for the following pancakes).
  • Add half a ladle full of the pancake batter to the pan. Tilt the pan slightly to make sure the pancake is not too thick and is circular. Cook for a minute until the mixture has almost dried and check with a spatula to see if the underneath is golden. Flip the pancake and cook for another minute on the other side. The pancake should be light and fluffy.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have used up all of the batter, it should make around eight fluffy pancakes.

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